The UFI code & the new poison centres notification requirements

2020-01-24T14:53:21+01:00 December 2nd, 2019|FAQ, Regulations|

Reading time: 2 mins

The European Commission has officially issued the Regulation which will postpone the first compliance data to the provisions of Annex VIII of the CLP: the harmonized notification and the insertion of the UFI code on the packaging of mixtures intended for consumers will come into force from 1st January 2021. On this occasion, we take up our article published a few months ago in which our RA Chief answers to the most common questions of our customers. […]

FDA regulation on vaping product- FAQ Part1.

2018-05-16T15:37:06+02:00 March 3rd, 2018|FAQ, Regulations|

Reading time: 6 mins

FDA regulation of tobacco products, named also Deeming, uses many specific terms and indicates many deadlines that differ according to the type and date of marketing of the products. 10 FAQ to our experts to better define the main points about vaping products. […]