The European Commission has officially issued the Regulation which will postpone the first compliance data to the provisions of Annex VIII of the CLP: the harmonized notification and the insertion of the UFI code on the packaging of mixtures intended for consumers will come into force from 1st January 2021.
On this occasion, we take up our article published a few months ago in which our RA Chief answers to the most common questions of our customers.
What’s UFI?
UFI stands for Unique Formula Identifier; it is an alpha-numeric code with 16 characters, which identifies the product at European level. It uniquely refers to a “formula code” assigned by the responsible to his products that contain a mixture classified as dangerous.
Starting from?
From 1st January 2021, UFI will be mandatory on the label / packaging of products intended for consumers, according to a defined format.
Dangerous mixtures already registered in national archives and present on the market must not be re-labeled until 1st January 2025.
Notification to the poison control centers
A central European portal for poison centres notifications (PCN) is introduced for the registration of dangerous mixtures. The notification folders will consist of a harmonized “dossier” containing, among the others, the full chemical composition, toxicological information and relevant product details.
How the harmonized dossier must be submitted?
The harmonized dossiers can be notified directly to PCN, and from here they will be automatically sent to the relevant Member States. Some Member States could also allow notification through local portals. The situation is still evolving and needs to be kept under control: our regulatory team continuously follows developments to update our customers.
When the harmonized dossier must be submitted?
The harmonized notifications must be submitted to PCN starting from 1st January 2021 for the products that contain a mixture classified as dangerous intended for consumers.
Can I notify a product before 1st January 2021?
Yes, registration at Poison Centres is also mandatory now, if the mixture you intend to put on the market is classified as dangerous! Before 1 January 2021, registration must be done at National Poison Center and need different requirements in different Member States. Read here for more info.
It’s important to note that mixtures already registered in national archives before 1st January 2021 and present on the market must not be re-labeled until 1 January 2025.