Waiting for TPD III….

2021-07-07T15:05:37+02:00 July 5th, 2021|Regulations|

Reading time: 2 mins

Before 2024 European elections, TPD II is expected to be substituted by a new directive that will reformulate the European approach towards tobacco-alternative products. Several documents, scientific studies and survey have been carried out in these years and they will likely be used to characterize the world of vaping. Let us explore in this post a scientific study on the changes in perception of the harmfulness of e-cigarettes before and after TPD. […]

Germany: everything changes for Zero Nic

2020-10-30T21:13:00+01:00 October 30th, 2020|Regulations, World|

Reading time: 2 mins

A legislative process is currently ongoing in Germany to adapt tobacco legislation, which provides that nicotine-free e-cigarettes and liquids will be covered by German tobacco law from January 1, 2021 and will be subject to essentially the same legal provisions as products containing nicotine. […]

WELCOME TO VOXPO – Virtual Online Expo

2020-10-26T12:00:02+01:00 October 26th, 2020|Events, World|

Reading time: 5 mins

Everything you need to know about the new virtual expo for the vape and CBD industries brought to you by Vapouround Magazine and The Cannavist. “VOXPO has something for everyone. For us this is a massively exciting project and the next logical step for two industries known for their innovation – David Turner – Director.” […]

The flavor ban for e-liquids in Denmark is back on the horizon

2020-10-12T14:55:19+02:00 October 2nd, 2020|Authorities, Regulations, World|

Reading time: 2 mins

In the end of 2019, the Danish Government proposed to ban flavors other than menthol and tobacco in e-liquids, as a part of a national plan against young people’s smoking. Few days ago the EU Commission issued a statement against parts of the package because it contravenes the TPD and the flavor ban seemed to be postponed indefinitely. Now it’s back, and it could be operative from April 2021. […]

The first live event organized by VOXPO!

2020-09-02T20:40:22+02:00 September 2nd, 2020|Events, World|

Reading time: < 1 min

VOXPO is the virtual online expo platform co-organised by both The Cannavist and Vapouround magazines. On 31 July there was the first live event: we were there and now we tell you about the great numbers the fair has recorded. […]

Vaping regulation in Canada

2020-08-28T20:04:30+02:00 August 28th, 2020|Authorities, Regulations, World|

Reading time: 2 mins

Canada has a federal political structure, meaning that government decisions are divided between the federal government and the ten provinces and three territories. The same applies to vaping regulation: each province/territory can have its own requirements and some of them have already planned to apply significant restrictions, such as the ban on the use of flavorings or the limit of nicotine concentration at 20 mg/ml. […]