The TPD-II has introduced the obligation of submitting every year the sales volume of vaping products. Compliance with this TPD obligation is essential not to incur in penalties which may go from fines, even for thousands of Euros, to the withdrawal of the products.
Producers and importers must communicate to Member States comprehensive data on sales volumes for the notified products, as well as general indications identified from specific market analyzes.
Sales volumes data shall be used by Member States to monitor the vaping market development, with particular attention to specific consumer groups (very young people and non-smokers).
Each Member State is defining at the national level, the details of this obligation: actually, apart from a notification update, different formalities and deadlines are requested by Member States. Also sanctions for lack or delay in communication differ from country to country: some States are more ‘permissive’ but many others impose penalties.
Authorities are increasing the checking of this kind of update; also, they are implementing and requiring the collection of related data such as:
- Mode of sales
- Market survey
- Consumer preferences
In order to keep you updated on every relevant TPD aspect, we collected the specific requirements of Member States and issued a constantly updated dossier with:
- how to submit the requested data;
- deadlines;
- sanctions for delay.
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